Versions Compared


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Software overview:

  • Software Name: Netica

  • Version: 6.09

  • Releasing Date: Summer of 2023

  • Description: Netica is a software application for building and analyzing Bayesian networks.

  • Software Administrator: Scott Gallagher

  • Website: Norsys Netica

Administration information:

Vendor Contact: Nancy Larson (
Licensing: Netica licenses are provisioned and purchased through Nancy Larson. Contact Nancy for any licensing-related queries.

Software management


Installation via Parallels

  1. Launch Parallels on Mac:
    Open the Parallels Desktop application on your Mac. Ensure you have a Windows 11 virtual machine running.

  2. Download the File:
    Click on the link to download the file to your computer.

  3. Open Windows Explorer in Parallels:
    Press Command + E on your Mac keyboard to open Windows Explorer within Parallels.

  4. Create a Folder on Your System Drive:

    1. Click on This PC in the left pane.

    2. Double-tap on the C: drive.

    3. Right-click and select New > Folder.

    4. Name the new folder Netica 609 and press Enter.

  5. Unzip the Files:

    1. Locate the file in your Downloads folder.

    2. Right-click on the file and select Extract All....

    3. Choose the Netica 609 folder on your C: drive as the destination for extraction.

  6. Create a Shortcut:

    1. Go to the Netica 609 folder on your C: drive.

    2. Find Netica_Win_609.exe, right-click on it, and select Send to > Desktop (create shortcut) to add a shortcut to your desktop.

Installation via Wine (Planned)

  1. Install Wine on macOS:

    1. Open Terminal on your Mac.

    2. Install Homebrew if you haven’t already:

      Code Block
      /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

      Install Wine using Homebrew:

      Code Block
      brew install --cask wine-stable
      1. Please note that wine-stable is built for Intel macOS and so requires Rosetta 2 to be installed when running on Apple Silicon Macs.
        You can install Rosetta 2 with:

        Code Block
         softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
    3. Go to Settings>Privacy & Security and scroll to the bottom then allow Wine-Stable to run even though it is from an unidentified developer.

  2. Download the Netica Installer:
    Click on the link to download the file to your computer.

  3. Extract the Files:

    1. Locate the file and extract it using macOS’s built-in unzip utility or another extraction tool.

  4. Run the Installer with Wineapplication:

    1. Open Terminal.finder and Navigate to the directory where you extracted the files: cd path/to/Netica_609Run the installer using Wine: wine Netica_Win_609.exe

    2. The icon for Netica.exe should appear as a wine glass, this indicates that wine will be used to open the application

    3. At this time it’s a good idea to create a shortcut to the Netica.exe to make access easier in the future

      1. This is done by right clicking on the file then clicking Make Alias this alias then may be moved wherever you wish

  5. When prompted, enter the License key


Patching: Not necessary

Current Version

Current Version: 6.09

Supported Operating Systems

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10 and later (via Parallels)

  • macOS with Wine (planned)

License Management (Deprovisioning)

License Management (Deprovisioning):
We are currently working on deprovisioning Parallels and transitioning to Wine. We have 3 licenses that are in use by Wayne on two of his systems and one of his staff. The license is a static license valid for a specific version with no annual charge. deprovisioning Parallels and transitioning to Wine. We have 3 licenses in use: Wayne uses them on two of his systems and one for his staff. The license is a static license valid for the version purchased, with no annual charge.

Common question
