Use this ticket while you are configuring the machine to document any issues you encounter and record actions completed to setup the machine.
Create a ticket in JIRA
Ticket Title:
Decommission: {Device Type} - {Serial Number}
Request Details:
Current Device Name
Current Device Owner
Current Device Location
Current Device Purpose
(The data here are placeholders to show what it might look like)
Old Device Name: Previous device name
Old Device Owner: First and Last Name or Department
Old Device Location: Room number if available, if not location description (ie. User’s Home)
Old Device Purpose: What need did this device meet?
Reason For Decommission: Why is this device no longer going to be deployed?
Condition of the Device
: Working / Not
Working, include any other notable issues with the device
Next Steps: Inventory / Surplus / Other - Explain
Old Device Name:
Old Device Owner: Jane Doe
Old Device Location: User’s Home
Old Device Purpose: Purely for decor
Reason For Decommission: Device really was just messing up the Feng Shui of the room, oh and also turns out the device was originally stolen.
Condition of the Device: Working
Next Steps: Other - Returning device to its original owner
Include any supporting documentation, ie. Related Tickets, Emails, or Forms
Step 2: Data Removal
Note |
CENV IT is not responsible for the backup or storage of user data as such no backup of data is included in this process. This should be performed by users if they wish to have their data backed up. |