
Article Owner


To provide an overview and installation instructions for Netica software used by the Toxicology department.


College of the Environment IT staff and faculty involved in using or managing Netica


Software overview:

  • Software Name: Netica

  • Version: 6.09

  • Releasing Date: Summer of 2023

  • Description: Netica is a software application for building and analyzing Bayesian networks.

  • Software Administrator: Scott Gallagher

  • Website: Norsys Netica

Administration information:

Vendor Contact: Nancy Larson (larsonn@wwu.edu)
Licensing: Netica licenses are provisioned and purchased through Nancy Larson. Contact Nancy for any licensing-related queries.

Software management


Install Wine:

  1. Open Terminal on your Mac.

  2. Install Homebrew (if not already installed):


    Copy code

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

  3. Install Wine using Homebrew:


    Copy code

    brew install --cask wine-stable

  4. If you're using an Apple Silicon Mac, install Rosetta 2 to enable compatibility:


    Copy code

    softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

  5. Allow Wine to run as an unidentified developer:

    • Go to System Settings > Privacy & Security.

    • Scroll down to find Wine-Stable and click Allow Anyway.

Download and Extract Netica:

  1. Download Netica version 6.09 from this link:

  2. Locate the downloaded file in Finder.

  3. Extract the file by right-clicking it and selecting Open With > Archive Utility (or use another extraction tool).

Run Netica:

  1. Navigate to the folder containing the extracted files in Finder.

  2. Double-click the Netica.exe file. Wine will launch the program.

Create a Shortcut:

  1. Right-click Netica.exe in Finder.

  2. Select Make Alias.

  3. Move the alias to your desktop or another convenient location for quick access.

Activate the License:

  1. When Netica launches, enter the license key provided by Nancy Larson (larsonn@wwu.edu).

For additional support, contact Scott Gallagher at gallag6@wwu.edu.


Patching: Not necessary

Current Version

Current Version: 6.09

Supported Operating Systems

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10 and later (via Parallels)

  • macOS with Wine (planned)

License Management (Deprovisioning)

License Management (Deprovisioning):
We are currently working on deprovisioning Parallels and transitioning to Wine. We have 3 licenses that are in use by Wayne on two of his systems and one of his staff. The license is a static license valid for a specific version with no annual charge. deprovisioning Parallels and transitioning to Wine. We have 3 licenses in use: Wayne uses them on two of his systems and one for his staff. The license is a static license valid for the version purchased, with no annual charge.

Common question

  1. Where do I get the license? Check with Nancy Larson (larsonn@wwu.edu).

  1. How do I install the software? You don't. The software is an executable. It is recommended to place the software into a folder with full permissions and then create a shortcut to the Taskbar.

  1. Does this software work on a Mac? No, not without either an emulator or a virtual machine.