

This guide provides CENV IT staff with a comprehensive understanding of how Active Directory (AD) is structured and managed within the College of the Environment. It outlines key locations, groups, and objects in AD that support the infrastructure and daily operations for faculty, staff, and students, ensuring consistent management, access control, and resource troubleshooting.




Software Overview

Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) is used to manage and organize user accounts, computers, and groups within the College of the Environment’s domain. It enables IT staff to manage permissions, troubleshoot login issues, and ensure proper group membership across the College’s various departments.


Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools

  1. Shift Right-Click on Active Directory Users and Computers

  2. Select Run As a Different User

  3. Enter your Admin Credentials

Key Locations:


This is where all groups for Ceph Shares, Mail, Network, and SharePoint are organized and managed for the College of the Environment.
Location: Groups > CENV


This section organizes all computers, both in labs and workstations, across the College, based on their specific locations.
Location:Managed > Lab > CENV

The labs are located in Arntzen Hall, Environmental Studies, and the Interdisciplinary Science Building (ISB).

Workstations Location OU

Managed > Workstation > ATUS > CENV

This section organizes all workstations used by faculty and staff across various departments.


This section manages all class groups, enabling assignments to the Student Ceph Share:
\\smb.ceph.eis.wwu.edu\cenv_students. It ensures that students have access to shared resources based on their courses.

Location: StuSections > EN-College