Unable to save to PDF in Degree Works

Unable to save to PDF in Degree Works

If you try to save from Degree Works to PDF, and Adobe Acrobat can’t open the file because it is a .tmp file instead of a .pdf, the following instructions will help.

This is a known bug in the Chrome web browser for Degree Works. 

There are a few different solutions:

  1. SUGGESTED: Instead of using a PDF of a student’s Degree Works worksheet to approve a major/minor/certificate, faculty may now use a Note in Degree Works. Please see this guide: Degree Works Note as Major, Minor, or Certificate Evaluation (Guide). This is the easiest way for faculty to provide a major/minor evaluation in Degree Works.

  2. Instead of using the ‘Open in Acrobat’ button or using the ‘Download’ button in Chrome, faculty can instead click ‘Print’ and then select ‘Save as PDF’ and their “printing” option.

3. You can use an alternative browser such as Firefox as this is a known issue with the Chrome browser.


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