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College of the Environment IT Support Page

Our Location

We are located on the bottom floor of Arntzen Hall. You can find our IT Techs, in Room 022 (next to the vending machine), or you can visit Scott Gallagher's office in AH 024B (between Spatial Labs 16 and 24).

Contact Information

IT Manager


Scott Gallagher is the IT Manager for the College of the Environment, with expertise in project management, managed services, and ITIL-based operations. Scott is focused on improving the customer experience through timely service and effective IT solutions for the college.

You can find Scott in Arntzen Hall 024B or contact him on MS Teams.

IT Staff


Carson Henrich - A fourth year member of the IT team since 2022, offering valuable support to CENV staff and faculty. Carson is a 4th-year Computer Science student who enjoys nature, reading, gaming, and technology.






Selah Calkins – A junior transfer majoring in Psychology with a forensic focus and minoring in Film. She’ll be with us for the full academic year and enjoys writing, volleyball, the gym, and thrifting.





Xander Coolidge – A freshman in Mechanical Engineering with interests in travel, music, and gaming, eager to help wherever needed.





IT Hours

Team Member



Team Member



Scott Gallagher

Monday - Friday

7:00 AM – 6:00 PM


On-Site: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday


Carson Henrich

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

11:30 AM - 2:00 PM


Tuesday, Thursday

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Selah Calkins

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Xander Coolidge

Tuesday, Thursday

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM



11:30 AM - 2:00 PM

For any immediate IT needs, please stop by AH 022, contact Scott Gallagher in AH 024B, or reach out via MS Teams or email at gallag6@wwu.edu.