ES402 Lab Overview and Equipment
Article Owner: CENV IT
ES402 is a lab on the fourth floor of the Environmental Science Building, it is used by the ESCI Department, primarily by faculty member Marco Hatch. This Lab is mainly used for Marine Ecology and contains various scientific equipment.
This document provides an overview of the lab's hardware and software requirements to ensure the smooth operation of equipment
This article is intended to be read by CENV IT Technicians responsible for supporting and managing the lab.
Hardware Overview
This section outlines the setup of devices in this lab.
Lab Computers
The following is a list of all devices located in this room:
: A Dell Optiplex 7460 AIO - ST: 8Q74XQ2This Room also has 2 Docking Stations that with a laptop can be used as workstations
Other Hardware
This Lab contains a Leica M125C Stereomicroscope equipped with the Leica Flexacam C1. The camera is configured and attached to CENV-L-ES402-01
this is the only part of the microscope that connects to the computer.
Software Overview
This lab supports the following unique software:
LAS X: This software is used for connecting to the Leica Flexacam C1