Banner Printing via UISAP

Banner Printing via UISAP

Banner printing can be managed via UISAP through Putty or other SSH clients, and through CUPS interface (HD does not have access to CUPS).

  • Banner printing as a whole has a system wide limit of 500 jobs, if any more than that are queued new jobs will not print.

    • If a print queue is empty but the printer shows as idle and enabled it is likely that there are 500 total jobs queued in the system. This has happened when a printer does not physically work but the queue is still enabled and an automated process sends jobs to the queue periodically.

  • To resolve this issue you need to clear queues. Locating queues with stuck jobs needs to be done manually in UISAP so the CUPS interface is preferred, Tim Mclaughlin has assisted me with this in the past.


Get Print Queue UISAP:

  1. In SSH: lspr | more

  1. Ctrl + C > Command line: zp show printername

Check Current Printer: zp show printername

Change Printer: printer printername

Test Printer:

  1. lp test

  1. zp show printername

Stop Printer: zp stop printername

Start Printer:

  1. zp start printername

  1. zp go printername

Cancel Job: zp delete jobnumber

View Job: zp space jobnumber

  • Shows first few lines of a file


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