Telephone Records and Billing

Telephone Records and Billing

ITS maintains telephone records and billing processes in an application called PCR360. Records include:

  • Call Detail Records for all phone numbers serviced.

  • Cable path records and equipment inventory for all physical voice and data connections.

  • Department billing contacts and budget codes.

  • E911 location information for all phone numbers serviced.

  • Rebilling information for third-party services at remote locations.

All telephone services are billed monthly per the Departmental Fee Schedule.


If you have a question about your phone bill, or you believe there is an error in our records:

  1. Submit a Help Desk ticket or send an email to telecom@wwu.edu.

  2. Provide your name, phone number, and a detailed description of your issue.

  3. If you do not receive a response in three business days, call us directly at 360.650.3600.


Authorized department contacts can view their current and past bills in the PCR360 Customer Center, by logging in to https://pcr.eis.wwu.edu/cc (available on-campus or with VPN only).

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