Install Microsoft Office for Free!

Install Microsoft Office for Free!

Office 2016 Apps

Faculty, staff, and students may acquire the latest versions of Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac OS using the appropriate option below:

University Owned Computers

All university owned computers should already have some version of Microsoft Office installed. If you have an older version (e.g., Office 2013, Office 2010, Office 2011): Request an upgrade to Office 2016 by contacting the ATUS Help Desk or your department's technical support staff. The latest version of Office works best in our Office 365 environment.

Computers Owned by Faculty, Staff, and Students

Faculty, staff and students can download and install Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus with new 2016 apps on up to 5 devices through Microsoft Office 365. This software is licensed as long as the licensee has a valid @wwu.edu email address. If you leave the university, the software will switch to a read-only mode once you can no longer sign-in using an @wwu.edu email address. If you wish to continue using Microsoft Office after you leave the university, you can sign-up for a personal Office 365 subscription directly from Microsoft. 

  1. Login to Office 365 through MyWestern or mail.wwu.edu
  2. If you login through myWestern you should see the "Install Office" button in the upper right corner. If not, Choose Settings (gear icon in the upper right) > Office 365 > Software
  3. Click Install to download and install the software 

Mobile Devices (iOS, Android, Windows Mobile)

All faculty, staff, and students can install Microsoft's free mobile apps. Search your app store for any of the following apps, and sign-in with your username@wwu.edu and your WWU universal password. Our favorite Office 365 mobile apps include:

  • Outlook
  • OneDrive for Business
  • Office Delve
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft OneNote
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Skype for Business
  • Office Lens
  • Outlook Groups
  • Sway
  • Office 365 Video
  • Yammer
  • Visio Viewer

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