Scanning Email for Threats with ATP (Advanced Threat Protection)

when you see an email message that says, "ATP Scan in Progress"

Beginning April 6, 2018, we are piloting a product aimed at reducing the university’s exposure to dangerous phishing messages received by faculty, staff, and students. One feature that has been implemented is scanning attachments sent via email.

When the attachment scanning process works quickly, you will not even notice it has happened. Otherwise, you’ll see the original attachment replaced with a message from with the Subject “ATP Scan in Progress”. The body of this attached message will let you know that the original attachments are being scanned to make sure they’re safe. After the scan has been completed, the original message with attachment(s) will replace the “Scan in Progress” message.

While attachments are being scanned, you can preview them if you’d like. We will send out additional information as new features are implemented.

ATP Scan in Progress Screenshot

You can open the ATP Scan in Progress message to preview the file being scanned:

Screenshot of attachment being scanned preview

The preview points to a long address that begins with (the rest of the address will change)

It is safe to preview the attachment and it is safe to click the link to learn more, which points to a page that begins with (the rest of the address may change)

You can also simply close this message and wait for the scanned attachment to arrive along with the original message from the sender. This usually takes only a minute or so, but there have been a few reports of it taking closer to a half hour. You may never even see the scan-in-progress message unless you happen to be watching your Inbox as it arrives.